Secure Payment

secure payment 3d secure

Payment methods

At Original Paella there are three different ways to pay:

  • Credit or Debit card: we accept Visa, Mastercard, Maestro and American Express

  • Paypal: you can make your payment with your Paypal account (2% additional charge)

  • Bank transfer: we will send you our bank account number and you have to pay and write down your order number.

Secure payment at Originalpaella

What is secure payment?

A secure payment is made through payment gateways that provide the user with the assurance that a payment can be made online without worrying about his/her banking details.

ORIGINAPAELLA provides you with two secure payment gateways: Deutsche Bank and bank transfer.

The payment gateway is directly linked to the bank’s payment system. This page provides an SSL certificate that guarantees that the data can be seen by the buyer and is received by the seller, but ensures that no one else has access to it, given that they are encrypted and can only be decrypted by the issuer and destination.

This security also takes into account that, since it is a bank payment system, ORIGINALPAELLA at no time receives details of the bank card, thereby ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of the bank details shown in the payment.

Furthermore, ORIGINALPAELLA possesses a 256-Bit SSL security certificate to guarantee the security of the personal data of its buyers before third parties, which is a great concern of originalpaella.


How do I use these gateways?

When you place an order with ORIGINLPAELLA, you will find all the payment modalities we offer, amongst which you will find the Deutsche Bank and Bank Transfer payment gateways.

Deutsche Bank payment gateway

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When you choose the Deutsche Bank payment gateway, you will gain access through that link to the Redsys application, where you can see the details of the purchase you want to make and where you should insert your card details.

It is the entity of Deutsche Bank itself that, through this application, identifies the buyer and, through the data encryption, carries out the purchase transaction.

Bank Transfer

When you select this modality, the programme will show you all the details necessary for you to make the bank transfer through your bank. 

Important: Don’t forget to put the order number under the item section of the bank transfer


All our products include VAT (Value Added Tax), provided it applies.

Any purchases made by those subject to VAT (companies, entities, organisations …) resident in the European Union and holding an intra-community Tax ID number will be exempt from paying VAT, it being an indispensable condition to have already sent the intra-community Tax ID or ID number to in order to confirm your registration in the register of intra-community transactions of your country. 


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