Rectangular and square paella pans
The rectangular paella pan or "llauna" is the best kitchen utensil to prepare all kinds of meals, be it traditionally over the fire or for baked goods. Traditionally, this type of container has been used as snail pans or "llaunes per caragols", but more recently its use has spread to prepare rice dishes and paellas quickly and easily under the name of llauna for rice, its main advantage being its square shape. or rectangular, which allows you to take advantage of all the space when you want to cook in the oven.
These square paella pans allow extra-fine quality rice and paella to be cooked in the oven, with a wide variety of recipes and in just a few minutes. Normally the procedure to make this recipe consists of adding the sauce, already cooked previously, together with the corresponding stock, also previously prepared, for the amount of rice selected according to the number of servings that we want. All these elements can be decorated with different toppings that are placed in the oven paella pan, mixed and placed in the oven. After the cooking time of the rice (from 15 to 19 minutes depending on the variety selected), we will obtain freshly cooked rice in just 18 minutes and with as many combinations as we wish.