Books of paellas and rices

Culinary knowledge lies between the fires and the pages

In this section we offer you a selection of books on paella and rice where you can not only find detailed recipes on how to make paella and rice, but also everything you need to know the gastronomy of rice and learn both traditional and innovative recipes, always with rice as its main protagonist.

Let's start with the first book in our rice bookstore: "The Book of Rices" by Pedro Ponce Palomares, where we find a complete tour of the different varieties of rice, techniques, treatments and the various ways of cooking it.

Pedro Ponce once again occupies another space with “124 recipes from medieval Spanish cuisine”, not only a guide to rice recipes through medieval times to the present day, but also merges the 3 existing cultures in the Iberian Peninsula of the era: Jewish, Moorish and Christian, offering us in turn a study of how different cultures and social positions affected the recipes that were produced in those times.

Following this, we recommend the paella book “Rice and many more” by Ximo Carrión, which details 92 recipes for paellas and rice, from traditional to special and from fish and seafood to meat. With recipes for baked, creamy or paella rice. The book not only informs us of the ingredients and steps necessary to create its dishes, it also focuses on three essential pillars: what variety of rice is most suitable for each recipe, what broths or stocks are most suitable for rice, and multiple innovative techniques for the world of rice.

The art of rice dishes becomes more viral every day, David Montero, also known on Instagram as @RicePaella, master rice cook knows it well, so so that we stop looking at his recipes from time to time, he brings us the book "Paella Lovers ", This book offers us extensive knowledge about one of the most basic but necessary materials for all paella: rice. From the different varieties of rice and how to prepare them, to the materials and ingredients necessary for its preparation, a labor of love to teach and share your love of the kitchen.

In paella, although it may not seem like it, not only paellas are made, fideua is also accepted and Pedro Ponce confirms this with his book "Fideuas 101 recipes", from the origins and evolution of fideua, to all kinds of recipes derived from it, in one of the first books published with a compilation of more than a hundred recipes for fideua, each one original, unique and unique.

Ximo Carrión is a lover of the Valencian gastronomic culture, and just as all roads lead to Rome, where we can find its greatest origin in rice. With his book "Our rice. History, festivals and recipes" he offers us in this book a complete overview of the history, landscape and festive culture of rice, including multiple traditional recipes, many of them little known, but which They offer us all the power, flavor and know-how of the rice masters.

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