Winner Solidary Paella 2024

Posted on9 Months ago 468

After multiple participants and days of debate by the jury, we are happy to finally be able to announce the winner of the 2024 solidarity paella.

The winner is:

The ONG InVisibles

Who are they?

The InVisibles association is a social action association that uses its efforts to help those in need in Valencia, especially homeless people.

Why do they do this?

InVisibles is an NGO committed to helping homeless people in Valencia for a very simple reason: a common purpose among its members of wanting to help others.

How do they do that?

Through food and clothing, the members of this NGO form a bond of respect and love with those people who need it most, creating a relationship of trust in which these people can feel comfortable, supported and listened to. Through this relationship, these people, commonly invisible to the public eye, can have a friend with whom they can not only talk, but also be heard and understood.

With vehicles loaded with food, clothing and people willing with a big heart, InVisibles makes these people known that while the rest of the public does not see them, they do, and are willing to help them be seen and known by the rest of the world.

Who helps make the solidarity paella?

The solidarity paella will be made with the joint collaboration of Original Paella, which will provide the necessary technical equipment and the coordination of the group of volunteers from the “solidarity paella makers”, Helados y Congelados del Mediterráneo (Hecomed) and Arrocerías Antonio Tomas, which will provide the ingredients and rice necessary to cook this delicious paella of the highest quality, together with the Federico Doménech company, which will contribute to disseminating the event through its media.

Among these collaborators we can find the Dominicas of Paterna School, whose tutors and students have shared for years the same desire to help those most in need. Next to them is the famous Cristian San Bernardino, DJ and host of Anda ya on the radio channel Los 40 Principales, person with a big heart and lover of paellas.

When and where will the solidarity paella be made?

The solidarity paella will be held on December 23, 2024, a date when these people need our help even more. The place where this specific event will take place will be indicated later through the networks and this same blog.

Even so, InVisibles has provided us in advance with the routes that will take place during the solidarity paella:

Route 1: Nursery Zone + Pagoda
Route 2: Port Area
Route 3: Hesperides Zone+Abastos+Pink Panther
Route 4: large area Vías+Giorgeta+Centro
Route 5: Bus Station area
Route 6: Campanar + Safranar area

Interview Original Paella - InVisibles

The following video is an interview conducted with the founder of InVisibles during the ceremony of receiving the 2024 solidarity paella award.

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