Solidary Paella

Posted on1 Year ago by 1132

Rules of the Solidary Paella 2024 contest

1. Introduction

Original Paella S.L. with C.I.F. B40636573 with registered office at Calle Mariano Aser n56, 46100, Burjassot, in collaboration with Arrocerias Antonio Tomás, with C.I.F. city of Lliria, 46980, Paterna, Federico Domenech SA, with C.I.F A46007126 with registered office at Calle Gremis (pol. industrial vara de quart), 1, from now on “organizational entities”, promote a charity contest for all NGOs and non-profit entities in general (association, foundation, federation, etc.) whose aims and objectives include improving society in general and especially those disadvantaged and/or vulnerable groups and/or in danger of social exclusion, such as disabled people, abused women, groups with illnesses, children and families with social exclusion, research for such purposes, etc.

The organizational entities have experience in this type of events since they promoted solidarity paella for associations such as Ca La Mare (solidarity paella for 3,000 people in 2016 for a Guinness record diaper cake), Bonagent Association (solidarity paella for 2,000 people in 2019 groups with intellectual disabilities) and other collaborations carried out for the multiple sclerosis foundation, Alex's smile (childhood cancer prevention), southeastea (autism), etc.

The prize consists of making a Valencian paella for 1,000 people at no cost to the winner.

2. General considerations

The legal bases, as well as the terms and conditions of this contest are established below:

The exclusive objective of this prize paella is to raise funds for the purposes described by the winning entity, and may be part of a day or event with more complementary activities at the discretion of the organizing entity.

Every NGO and/or non-profit entity that participates in the contest accepts each and every one of the provisions described in these terms and conditions, and will also make available to the organizational entities any documentation that may be required to verify the veracity and purposes of the entities participating in the contest with the objective of verifying the reliability, good work, track record, experience, etc. of the candidates for the award.

3. Contest objectives

This contest has the objective of supporting those initiatives that are developed by any entity registered as an NGO and/or non-profit with headquarters anywhere in the world whose objective is to raise funds for the social purposes described in its project.

4. Application submission deadline

The period of participation and presentation of candidatures and projects will be for a period of 3 months, starting on December 21, 2023 until March 21, 2024.

5. Participation mechanisms:

In order to participate in the Contest, any NGO or non-profit entity will have to send its event/project proposal by email, including a description of the event, as well as the purposes and objectives of the charity fundraiser.

This information will constitute the candidacy and will have to be sent to the email

6. Winner Selection

The winner will be chosen by an evaluation committee made up of a representative designated by each of the organizational entities, Original Paella, Hecomed, Arrocerias Antonio Tomas and Las Provincias namely:

Mr. Javier Baixauli, CEO of OriginalPaella
Mr. Mariano Selfa, manager of Hecomed
Mr. María Luz Tomas, manager of Arrocerías Antonio Tomas
Mr. Chema Ferrer, coordinator of Eat and Drink (Las Provincias)

The project evaluation committee will have up to 20 days after the deadline for submitting applications to select the winning entity, with the maximum deadline being April 11, 2024.
The award-winning entity will be contacted personally, through the contact information provided through your application.

7. Description of the Prize, execution period and scope of application

The prize for the winning entity consists of making a Valencian paella for 1,000 people at no cost to the winner, including the donation of the necessary ingredients, the equipment necessary for the activity and the qualified personnel for its development. This prize is valued approximately in an amount of 4,500 euros.

The winning entity will be exclusively responsible for obtaining permits, authorizations, insurance, etc. permits necessary for the development of the event, in general you will be responsible for compliance with current legislation in all areas of the event. Organizational entities are explicitly excluded from any type of responsibility, and in general anything that has not been explicitly described as a prize.

The deadline to execute the award or make the paella for 1,000 people will be a maximum of one year from the date of communication of the winner, with the deadline of the event being April 11, 2025.
Given that both the suppliers of raw materials, as well as the workforce made up of professionals and volunteers, are located in the Valencian Community, the event will be limited to any location in the Valencian Community.

8. Requirements, validity, limits and restrictions of the contest

These terms and conditions may be modified, canceled and suspended at any time by the evaluation committee. Including, if necessary, clarifications or modifications that do not alter the spirit of the contest. Any situation related to the interpretation of these terms and conditions will be resolved by the evaluation committee.

The evaluation committee reserves the right, without any responsibility, to invalidate or reject participants who, at its sole discretion and discretion, do not comply with the requirements established in these terms and conditions and/or violate the rights of third parties and/or or do not comply with applicable legislation. Likewise, the evaluation committee reserves the right to justifiably eliminate the participation of any participant who defrauds, alters and/or renders unusable the proper functioning and normal and regulatory course of the contest. Any abusive or fraudulent use of these terms and conditions will result in the cancellation of this person's participation in the contest.

Under no circumstances may the organizing entities be forced to deliver more gifts than those offered in these terms and conditions.

The prize established in these terms and conditions is non-transferable and cannot be exchanged in any other way.

The responsibility of organizational entities is released for:

  • Expenses incurred to participate in the contest, to cash in the Prize or to enjoy it;
  • Damages suffered to the integrity or property of the participants or third parties that is caused by virtue of the Contest while enjoying the prize.
  • Tax obligations of the NGOs that win the Contest.   

The fact of participating in the Contest implies the consent of the participants to have their name, voice and image used in social networks, photographs, publications and other advertising media, and in general, in all dissemination material for promotional purposes that the entities organizational wishes to do in relation to the contest, either during the promotional period or once it has expired for a maximum period of one year. This authorization will not imply any duty to remunerate or compensate the participant.

Furthermore, by participating in the contest, participants authorize the organizational entities to have their image transmitted in videos, photographs and personal interviews about the prize; as well as on the contest website, and in any other means of communication that the organizational entities choose to make the public aware of the experiences of the winner and their companions, if applicable. This authorization will not imply any duty to remunerate or compensate the Participants.

9. Applicable law and jurisdiction

The Law applicable to this contest will be the Spanish one.
For the resolution of any controversy or discrepancy that may arise regarding the interpretation or application of the terms and conditions, they expressly submit to the jurisdiction and competence of the Courts and Tribunals of Valencia.

10. Doubts and questions

You can contact the evaluation committee via email

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