Easy recipe paella valenciana recipe

Posted on3 Years ago by 21835

Time of preparation: 15 minutes, Cooking time: 90 minutes, 4 diners

800 grams meat (chicken and rabbit) 400 grams broad beans
150 grams lima beans s 1 ripe tomato
400 grams rice Water
1 little tablespoonful paprika A pinch of saffron otherwise saffron dye
8 tablespoonful oil Salt

OPTIONAL: 300 grams snails Rosemary (add during the last five minutes of cooking rice)

1- Heat up oil 5 Minutes
2- Fry meat 15 Minutes
3- Fry vegetables 5 Minutes
4- Add water and cook 40 Minutes
5- Add rice and cook 20 Minutes
6- Let rest 5 Minutes
Total: 90 Minutes


Broad beans and lima beans are the basis of the paella as far as vegetables is concerned, It's better fresh, but there is also the possibility of frozen or dried as in the case of the lima bean

Artichoke is a season's vegetable. We can add if we find. A trick! Salt water and a piece of lemon to avoid to turn black.



Add some oil that serves to level the pan ... the oil should be centered, it also adds some salt and light the fire!

When the oil is hot, add the chicken, start to fry, stir with a large spoon until getting done in a uniform way.


When the meat is get brown, add the vegetables, scratched or crushed tomato and some paprika to fry with the meat for a few minutes, we do like that because meat need more time to fry vegetables

After that, add the water. There are many technical recommendations on the amounts of water and rice, see the keys to understand the process but for now .. water above the handles' screws.


As a reference serve the handles' screws the paella, "caballĂłn"'s technique is the most widespread on paella's masters. It consists of dividing in two parts the paella pan with the rice, then with a spoon spread uniformely. Time is very important, cook rice between 18-20 minutes, if we use more time the grain rice will open and give you a pasta's feeling, and less time will make the grain is undercooked and too much hard .


Fire is essential in this process, the aim is that at 20 minutes the rice is cooked and the paella without broth, more fire less water and vice versa, keys: After 15 minutes of cooking rice, paella should start to dry (photo left) this will also produce the coveted "rosetxat" that will be achieved with practice and technical knowledge. Technically the amount of water that is capable of absorbing rice is twice its volume, example rice-1kg 2 liters of water(2,5 in bomba varieties), but significantly affects the thermal process removing water depending on their potency.


Simple, we just need the paella or paella pan and an adjustable heat source such as a gas burner and protected from air and dirt with the legs for paella pans. For greater comfort when cooking a paella we can include a tripod for gas stoves. Important a gas regulator with its hose for the butane bottle.

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