Posted on3 Years ago by 4555


In the following article we will show you how to recover a rusty paella quickly and easily. In the video you can see a paella with one of its halves oxidized, we will use the asevi product to remove the rust from the paella pan. It is only enough for us to apply a portion of the product on the rusty part and rub it.

After the rust has come off the paella, we clean and rinse with soap and water to prevent traces of rust from remaining in our paella. Following this, we proceed to dry it and apply a layer of vegetable oil, a simple way to do it is by rubbing it with a sheet of kitchen paper, this layer of oil acts as protection against oxidation, avoiding future similar accidents.

Keep in mind that steel rusts due to a lack of proper maintenance after use, and this is no different for your polished steel pan, which will eventually rust unless a protective oil coating is applied. after cleaning, or if it is not stored in the proper conditions.

Although there are other popular and homemade ways to remove rust, such as rubbing half a lemon on the affected area, using earth or sand from the beach as a scouring pad, or adding baking soda with lemon, we recommend proper maintenance to avoid the formation of rust.

In the event that rust forms in our paella due to carelessness, appropriate products and methods should be used, instead of those recommended for being popular or homemade, because these can damage our oxidized paella instead of eliminating the rust. oxide.

If you want to avoid this kind of accident in the future, we recommend you look at our article on paella maintenance, and we hope that this information has been of help to you, rice cookers.

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