How to prepare a saffron infusion for paella

Posted on11 Months ago by 9067

How to use saffron in your paella

If there is something characteristic of paella, it is the yellowish color of its rice. It is quite common nowadays to use food coloring to obtain that exemplary color, but there are still many people who prefer to obtain that color with an ingredient that is equally characteristic, but so valuable that it obtained the nickname "red gold" in its heyday: saffron.

Many people will tell you that it is an essential ingredient in the kitchen to provide a characteristic flavor, color and aroma; in short, there is no better rice than that of a paella with saffron.

We agree, but today there are many different ways to introduce this valuable ingredient into our paella. Therefore, in this blog post we are going to teach you the different culinary techniques to introduce saffron into paella. From ground saffron, make an infusion of saffron in water to use the saffron threads directly.

Origin and properties of saffron

Saffron comes as a spice obtained from the flowers of the Crocus Sativus plant, more commonly known as the saffron flower. This plant has always been appreciated for its deep red color and distinctive aroma.

Originally from Asia Minor, it has traditionally been used in Mediterranean cuisine, as well as that of the Middle East. Beyond its characteristics as a flavor enhancer, saffron also has medicinal properties such as antidepressant and antioxidant effects, as well as a high level of vitamin C, which stimulates our immune system. These qualities make it a coveted and highly valued substance by different cultures, both for its culinary and medicinal capabilities.

What are the benefits of making a saffron infusion?

When we talk about a saffron infusion, we were referring to extracting its aromatic and coloring properties as a liquid, either as water or broth, and then using it to enhance the flavor and give a different appearance to our dish, in this case, paella.

This is because infusing saffron releases its volatile compounds, so we not only obtain its medicinal benefits, we also obtain its unique flavor, color and smell for our paella recipes.

How to make saffron infusion

There are multiple methods to obtain the characteristics of saffron threads, we are going to offer you what we consider the best method to make a saffron infusion for rice.

The oldest method, what we could call the most common way that the paella masters of yesteryear used, was to place the strands on the lid of the paella pan wrapped in thin paper. After a few seconds of heat, it is crushed by pressing on the paper with your hands or by depositing and crushing it in a mortar to obtain ground saffron for paellas.

The most modern version used today can be made by toasting the saffron threads for 15-25 seconds at medium power in the microwave. We can know that they are ready when they break when touched with our hands. If so, we place them in a mortar. or bowl and pulverize them.

From here, we can make our infusion in 3 ways:

1- Crush the strands with a mortar or by hand, using a non-sticky paper, then add it directly to your paella.

2- Crush the strands with a mortar or pestle, add them to hot water, around 65 degrees, and let it rest for 15-20 minutes. Once this time has passed, pour your infusion into the paella when you add the broth or form it by adding water to the sauce.

It is advisable, just in case some large pieces remain when crushed, to strain the liquid before using it in the paella, in order to eliminate possible pieces of threads that have not been completely infused.

3- Place the strands in a vacuum or airtight bag, add water and put it in a 65 degree water bath. Leave them in the water bath for 4 or 5 hours. From here, take the amount that your recipe requires, you can store the rest of the infusion in your refrigerator for a maximum of 20 days or make them in portions for what you may need.

Saffron infusion is commonly prepared with a container of water or by adding it directly to the paella broth, but it is not unusual to also use firewood for the infusion, as it is perfect for dessert recipes.

How much saffron should I use?

The amount of saffron for a paella dish depends on the volume of liquid and the level of intensity we want. To give an example of its effectiveness, using 30 grams of ground saffron would allow you to make paella for 2,000 people.

As a general rule, paella masters usually use 1 gram of saffron per 250 ml of liquid.

We must keep in mind that 100 ml of saffron infusion serves 2 or 4 servings: 2 servings of rice or 4 servings of stews, fabadas, etc.

Keep these measures in mind, since too much saffron will overwhelm and end up consuming the rest of the flavors in the recipe.

What temperature is appropriate for the infusion?

The time and temperature used to prepare the saffron infusion are key to obtaining all the qualities of saffron. We recommend between 15-20 minutes of pairing, at a temperature that ranges between 65 and 90 degrees.

The liquid used to make the infusion should not boil, otherwise the flavor will become bitter before we add it to our paella.

Tips to keep in mind to obtain maximum flavor and color

When is saffron added to paella?

The saffron infusion must be added to the paella after we have added the water to the sauce to form the broth or after the fumet, once it takes some heat, we must add the infusion to our paella.

This way, when we add the rice, the saffron flavor will be absorbed along with the paella broth.

Can saffron be combined with other ingredients and spices?

As a classic paella ingredient, saffron can be combined with other spices and ingredients, not only obtaining delicious flavor combinations, but also giving your paella a personal touch.

Some of the recommended spices are paprika or herbs such as rosemary and thyme. As for ingredients, meats such as chicken and rabbit, seafood such as prawns or mussels, or for vegetables we place great emphasis on garrofó, which will absorb the flavor of the broth and, therefore, that of the saffron. .

Combine to your liking to create a unique and tasty paella that will satisfy your palate and that of your diners.

Should I let the infusion rest?

Some paella masters recommend letting the infusion rest for a few minutes before adding it to the paella. This is because, by letting it rest, you allow the flavors to mix and intensify even more, thus providing a more exceptional flavor.

Is it better to use saffron threads or is it easier if I use grounded saffron?

Truly, there is no noticeable difference, after all, packaged ground saffron has already gone through the same processes as threaded saffron before being poured to prepare the infusion.

The biggest difference lies more in whether you want to use a saffron that you have obtained from a vegetable market, or if you prefer to simply pour the saffron and not complicate yourself with the process of toasting and grinding the ingredient.

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