Easy recipe original Fideua

Posted on3 Years ago by 13486

Time of preparation: 15 minutes, Cooking time: 90 minutes, 4 diners

4 ud. Prawn 4 ud. Langoustine
4 ud. Gambas 300 gr / 10,58 oz Cuttlefish
300 gr / 10,58 oz Swordfish 250 gr / 8,82 oz Mussel
1 little onion 2 tomatoes
400 gr rice 8 tablespoonful oil
Fish broth 1 little tablespoonful paprika
1- Heat up oil 2 Minutes
2- Fry cuttlefish and shellfish 8 Minutes
3- Fry grated or crused onion and tomato 4 Minutes
4- Add noodle and paprika 4 Minutes
5- Add fish broth and cook 14 Minutes
6- Let rest 3 Minutes
Total: 35 Minutes


We will use cuttlefish, swordfish, mussels, prawns and langoustine. In fideuá we use noodle instead of rice. The official noodle of fideuá from Gandia is the noodle nº3, even though it's not a very commercially distributed size. In our case we have chosen a noodle nº4 slightly thicker. Although you can use the noodle from nº0 (which is called fideuá angel hair) up to nº5, according to the diner's taste, we are left with nº3 or nº4.

En nuestro caso hemos optado por un fideo del nº4 algo más grueso. Aunque se puede utilizar desde el fideo nº 0 (que es la llamada fideuá cabello de ángel) hasta el nº 5, según el gusto del comensal, nosotros nos quedamos con el nº3 o nº4.



Add some oil that serves to level the pan ... the oil should be centered. Add some salt too, and light the fire!

When the oil is hot, add the cuttlefish and the swordfish. We start to fry.


Add the shellfish to fry, once the shellfish get brown, take and keep them.

Once the shellfish is kept, put fish aside on outside of the pan and add grated or crushed onion, fry for some seconds.


When the crushed onion get brown, add crushed tomato and fry it along with the crushed onion for some seconds.

On this point, add noodle, stir and add paprika. Fry noodle and paprika along with the fish.


Add the broth, we add 1,5 parts of broth for each one of noodle. Season with salt, the amount will go to taste but it is important to note that fish in itself is already salty, you should keep taste during the process. Add saffron and stir to blend. On this point we also put the shellfish and mussel that will be placed decorating the paella. Strong heat up to start to boil. Fire is essential in this process, the aim is that at 12 minutes noodles are cooked.

Key, if noodle's size change must take into account that the cooking time will vary. A larger size more time and vice versa.


After 12 minutes of cooking, the noodles should be cooked, let rest and ready to eat.

Keep in mind that fideuá should be mellow, not soupy nor dry.


Simple, we just need the paella or paella pan and an adjustable heat source such as a gas burner and protected from air and dirt with the legs for paella pans. For greater comfort when cooking a paella we can include a tripod for gas stoves. Important a gas regulator with its hose for the butane bottle.

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